Thursday, March 3, 2016

Obama and Clinton Praises An Eugenics Monster: Extermination of African people

Black People Are Afraid of White People

The Killer of thousands of Blacks in Africa while
Hillary was Secretary of State. 

Her husband, President Bill Clinton mass incarcerated millions
and cut their lives short with the monster prison system of America. 

Hillary Clinton calls Blackmen "Super Predators"

Haven't our ancestors seen this attack? Thousands of Blackmen lynched, 90% business owners, under the guise of they were sexual predators. 

Obama endorsing Planned Parenthood killer of millions of Black babies.
Curtailing Black population via stealthy politics.

Even White Pastors are preaching against the monster Margaret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood

Extermination, If You Are Black, You Are Prime Target

I wish I could make this stuff up then I would know I was crazy and could go and get some help. There are so much free counseling out there, why would I not go and get treatment? Cowardly Black people disgust me. Some of you don't even use your brain, did you know fear is the mind killer? Do you see people in horrors movies, falling, tripping, and panicking while being pursued, its because fear freezes your brain. You must face your fear before you can gain clarity. When you are unafraid like me you see your enemies for who they are, your enemies! Yes, I accuse you, my people, of being terrified, afraid, punkish and weak. I have to confront you because you will allow the genocide of our people if the responsible and sensible of us don't call your cowardice out. Here's Margaret Sanger herself telling you that see thinks poor people don't deserve to live, to breathe this God given air. 

The Evil Witch Margaret Sanger

1 little nigger, 2 little niggers, 3 little niggers,

She authored that hideous poem, didn't you know? 

The Maafa, The Genocide of Black Babies

Watch and reap the truth. 

They have killed millions of us, they're still killing us and they haven't stopped killing us so that means they will only elect people who are good at killing us and love their job.  

Obama, "I'm good at killing people"

Says he will work extra hard to get a Democrat elected to succeed him.
Who do you think Obama has in mind?